Tears and cheers at school start
About 40 children started kindergarten at St John the Baptist Primary, Woy Woy, on February 1.
Parents and Friends publicity officer Ms Beth Riley said the children were all very excited about finally going to big school.
She said they felt very familiar in the school surroundings after spending six weeks at the school last year in a program called Early Birds.
"This is a program which breaks the children into the school surroundings and routine ready for the in year to come," Ms Riley said.
"All the children were allocated a sixth class student as their buddy to looks after them at morning tea and lunch for the first few weeks at school."
The school community also welcomed the new kindy families with a "Tears and Cheers Morning Tea".
Ms Riley said there were more tears from parents and grandparents than the children starting school.
There will be an information evening on Wednesday, May 4, at 7.30pm at the school for parents who are interested in enrolling their children in St John the Baptist.
Press release, February 13
Beth Riley, St John the Baptist