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Collapse Issue 589:<br />4 Mar 2024<br />_____________Issue 589:
4 Mar 2024
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Application made for mesh jetty

An application has been made to "erect a new mesh jetty with landing" and to demolish "part of an encroaching building" at 85 Woy Woy Rd, Woy Woy.

The application prepared by Clarke Dowdle and Associates states: "The proposed development involves the erection of a 34.3 metre long meshed jetty, landing located along the foreshore boundary.

"The proposal also includes the demolition of an encroaching part of an old building.

"The jetty would be supported by piles to be positioned into the estuary bed during construction."

The application states: "It is evident that adjoining and further neighbouring properties have already developed their land beyond the mean high water mark and beyond in the case of approved private jetties.

"Given the previous foreshore development, public accessibility to the northern stretch of the foreshore is already difficult.

"The proposal would not impact on the public access (to) the foreshore.

"The site has been investigated by an ecologist with a report undertaken in relation to the inherent aspects of the site.

"The siting of the development has taken into consideration the location of the seagrass (zostera capricorni) that was found to be in the vicinity of the site.

"The report concluded that the development would not be detrimental to the longevity of the recognized species and included recommendations to alleviate impacts to the site during construction.

"Due to the piles for the jetty being pile driven there would be no exposure of acid sulphate soils if present."

"All reports attached indicate that the site would be suitable for the proposed development. "NSW DPI and RMS have also provided their approval to this development."

The application acknowledges that the "area of head" is not compliant with planning provisions, being 10.5 square metres where the maximum is nine square metres.

The application stated that the proposal was "commensurate with the character of the surrounding area".

The proposal is currently open for written submissions from the public.

Closing date for submissions has not been posted on the Council's website.

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