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Wireless internet at Hardy's Bay

Killcare Marina in Hardy's Bay has begun a joint venture with Anyport Wireless Internet to become a wireless internet hotspot.

The introduction of the service will allow marina clients, visiting boaters, local residents and the general public located in and around the Hardy's Bay area, to access high speed broadband connection.

Once signed is as an Anyport customer, clients will be able to access the internet at any Anyport Hotspot.

Killcare Marina chief executive officer Mr Michael Sparks said he expected that many local residents and holiday makers would make use of the facility, particularly those who did not require a full-time broadband service.

"The service is not a profit centre for the marina.

"We provide the location. This is all," Mr Sparks said.

"The service has been tested to the outer extremity of Hardy's Bay with high signal strength.

"The introduction of this service is seen by us as a small step to obtaining our ultimate goal which is to become the leading marina in Brisbane Waters, with a full range of services that customers now demand."

Payment and signup can be made directly via Anyport's website or alternatively Killcare Marina will sell prepaid access cards on Anyport's behalf.

The service was available for access from 2pm, Friday, September 8.

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