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Premier notices water savings

NSW Premier Mr Morris Iemma and Minister for the Central Coast Mr Grant McBride paid tribute to local residents and businesses for their water saving efforts during a visit to the Peninsula last week.

They were on the Peninsula as part of the NSW Government Cabinet meeting held at the Everglades Country Club on Tuesday, September 12.

The Premier joined Mr McBride and other members of parliament in inspecting water savings works carried out by the Everglades Country Club.

"The Everglades Country Club management, staff and members are to be commended on their water-saving initiatives," Mr McBride said.

Everglades have spent several thousand dollars on water saving measures including fitting flow restricting devices to all taps inside the club and fitting extension arms to the cisterns of toilets to further reduce water usage above and beyond dual flush reduction.

It also reduced the use of town water by removing access to exterior taps and invested in bore water technology and irrigate only at night to reduce evaporation.

Member for Peats Ms Marie Andrews thanked the club and community for heeding the message that water was a precious resource and undertaking a range of water saving actions.

"At a time when our water supplies are very low, it is encouraging to see all members of the community across the Central Coast doing their bit to help conserve our precious drinking water," Ms Andrews said.

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