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Exhibition opens at Pearl Beach

Two Pearl Beach residents, Pim Sarti and Marijke Greenway, will open an exhibition at the Pearl Beach Memorial Hall from September 29.

They held their first joint exhibition two years ago in the Pearl Beach Memorial Hall, which Ms Greenway said was so successful that they immediately booked a follow-up show.

The pair now have a brand new set of paintings, and besides the landscapes, they will also exhibit paintings of flowers, still life, birds and buildings.

Marijke Greenway and Pim Sarti are "plein air" painters, so every Tuesday morning at 8.30am sharp, they head off together to "yet another beautiful painting site" somewhere around the Central Coast.

Ms Greenway said that more often than not, it was a beautiful day and an inspiring site that had been chosen by the group.

But sometimes the obvious choice was just not right.

In that case, they turned around and painted what was behind them and "end up being surprised at the result".

Ms Greenway had been painting the "plein air" landscapes in squares and has come up with an arrangement of 25 paintings in a five by five Sudoku grid, the size of which "has enormous impact, a new way of presenting a visual map of the Central Coast".

"Pim also loves to paint squares, but hers are studies inspired by food," Ms Greenway said.

The exhibition will take place at the Pearl Beach Memorial Hall over the October long weekend, opened on Friday at 6pm by the actress Dinah Shearing.

The exhibition will also be open on Saturday, Sunday and Monday from 10am to 5 pm. Entry is free.

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