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A community event?

Subsequent to an enticing article advertising a guitar concert at the Anglican Church on Mann St in Gosford at 2:30pm last Saturday, I made the effort to attend via public transport from Woy Woy.

When I arrived on foot at about 2:15pm, I was passed on the drive by someone in a late model car which parked in the car park.

The church door was locked and knocking on it produced no response.

Not knowing the church layout I walked round to the next door.

It was equally barred, bolted and unresponsive to knocks.

I then climbed up to the office door and rang the bell, no answer.

As I started to retrace my steps the person in the car wearing a dark suit dashed from his car to the church fumbling with his keys.

No greeting.

No "can I help you".

By the time that my disability and walking stick allowed me to reach the door, the besuited figure had disappeared inside returning the door to its locked and bolted status.

Knocking twice on the door did not result in any reply.

I then returned down Mann St stopping off at the Conservatorium to check the advertised facts.

A very pleasant woman at reception informed me that the concert was in fact at 7:30pm but I could hang around for 90 minutes for another concert that afternoon.

When I inquired as to the genre of music being played she was unable to tell me.

I realise that this is the first such event organised by the Conservatorium but can only give it 0 out of 10 after Saturday's performance.

Should I also conclude that there is no intention for this to be a genuine community event?

I notice that although nearly one-third of the Gosford population lives on the Woy Woy Peninsula and that many of the public facilities such as the basketball courts at the new pool facility and the complex opposite Rogers Park are frequently unused, no events were scheduled there.

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