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Tackle both ends of Haynes Ave

I refer to the article in the Peninsula News (July 10 from Council agenda TR.06.040, July 4) headed 'Median strips consideration'.

Whilst in full support of the proposal, I would ask council as a matter of some considerable urgency, to include the Ryans Rd end of Haynes Ave in the works.

I consider the Lovell St, Ryans Rd, Haynes Ave intersection to be of an even greater danger than the Lone Pine end.

Apart from the blatant cutting of corners, on two occasions, whilst waiting to turn right into Ryans Rd from Haynes Ave, I have experienced a vehicle coming from Lovell St and wishing to turn right into Haynes Ave from Ryans Rd, cut the corner and pass my vehicle on my left hand side.

On one of these occasions, it almost collided head on with a vehicle proceeding along Haynes Ave towards Ryans Rd.

I am enclosing a sketch of the aforementioned incident for your information in the hope that both ends of Haynes Ave are included in the council's decisions.

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