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Call to defer beach plan

Local resident and dune campaigner Ms Margaret Lund has called for a deferral of the Ettalong Beach Foreshore Management Plan.

She told the council meeting that it was destroying everything that was truly Australian, citing the removal of dune vegetation.

Ms Lund said that meddling with a dune was a "very serious matter".

"We want complete plans that show what you're going to do," Ms Lund said.

"We need to know the ongoing cost for sand replenishment.

"We need to know what will happen to the road.

Ms Lund said that the minute fungai that made up part of the dunes created a natural sea wall.

"Minute fungai hold grains of sand together," Ms Lund said.

"It does it all free of charge.

"There will be no Australian flora left at the rate your going.

"Nine months ago Mr Hale was quoted as saying we can't live in the past.

"You can't have your beaches as they used to be in the past either."

"Are there any more middens?

"We need to see the Deed of Agreement between the club and council.

"Has the $300,000 been paid by the club.

"Will this set a precedent for the whole of the Peninsula?"

Ms Lund said the plan would be "viewed as acquisition of public land by stealth".

"You are setting a dangerous precedent for people of the Peninsula."

Cr Terri Latella asked if the $300,000 had "exchanged hands" yet.

Director of city services Mr Stephen Glen said he did not believe so.

Cr Latella asked whether a recommendation for a meeting for stakeholders would involve the same attendees as in past meetings.

Mr Glen said the meeting had already taken place to "inform stakeholders of what was going to happen" and that no minutes were taken.

Cr Latella also asked that the Deed of Agreement between Ettalong Beach Club and council be put on exhibition at the same time as the other two plans.

Cr Robert Bell asked that the decision be at the discretion of the general manager Mr Peter Wilson.

Cr Peter Hale, who is Ettalong Beach Club general manager, said that the deed would be available to anyone who wanted to see it.

"I cannot see why the proponent that deals with the public area shouldn't be placed out on public exhibition," Cr Latella said.

Cr Craig Doyle suggested that another meeting with interested parties could take place "to give people an opportunity to express themselves".

Mr Glen said that there was an "opportunity right now for comments to come in" as part of the exhibition process.

Mr Glen said he did not think another meeting was needed.

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