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Transparency and consultation is required

In Peninsula News (27 June 2005, page 8) it is revealed that the Ettalong Beach Reserve Plan of Management has "funds totalling $280,000 available for work on the beach and foreshore adjacent to the CBD area and an amount of $300,000 is due from the Ettalong War Memorial Club through a deed of agreement originating from the approval for redevelopment of the club site".

A further $60,000 was allocated by the NSW State Government.

Neither in the Ettalong Beach Reserve Plan of Management nor the Ettalong Beach Dune Plan of Management is there any mention made of lowering the height of the Reserve.

Please see the photographs herewith which indicate that a metre to a metre and a half has been taken from the top of the Lance Webb Reserve.

The master plan for the Lance Webb Reserve which is contained within the Ettalong Beach Reserve Plan of Management also makes no mention of lowering the height of the reserve.

The Ettalong Beach Dune Plan of Management is currently on display and therefore one could assume that no action has occurred with regard this plan, as of yet.

The integrated development of this site, by the removal of part of the reserve wasn't mentioned in either Plan of Management.

Gosford Council is the trustee of this Crown reserve.

It raises the question, how much was allocated to lowering the height of the Lance Webb Reserve?

What was the purpose of lowering the reserve?

Who authorised it?

The role of a councillor under Section 232 of the Local Government Act is:

- to participate in the optimum allocation of the council's resources for the benefit of the area and

- to review the performance of the council and its delivery of services, and the management plans and revenue policies of the council.

The recent Peninsula Urban Direction Strategy cost approximately $95,000.00 plus.

A Plan of Management is created and used when there is complexity or perceived conflict that requires community input.

Planning for the future of the total reserve is statutory.

So is public consultation and transparency.

How long is a Plan of Management considered to be a legal document?

The Ettalong Beach Reserve Plan of Management is dated July 2002.

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