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Collapse Issue 143 - 13 Jun 2006Issue 143 - 13 Jun 2006
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Road toll

Our governor Michael Jeffery stated the dollar cost of road deaths was estimated at $15 billion dollars.

Today in Australia it is estimated at twice that.

The same issue of Open Road stated "we have lost more people in road deaths than in battle in two world wars".

That makes politicians more important than doctors in saving lives.

New Scientist which began publication 50 years ago to bring science to the people, now has 800,000 weekly subscribers.

For some years they have described the death rate from particulate pollution from vehicle exhausts causes more deaths from disease than road deaths.

Only politicians can force all vehicles to fit particulate traps.

Professor Ian Lowe, the director of ACF, says it would cost for cars between 400 and 800 dollars.

It would probably save the nation more in health costs.

London buses are now fitted with particulate traps.

A young girl came to me; worried her mother died of cancer aged 50.

Did she have the same genetic weakness?

"Where did she live?" I asked.

In a big city, was her reply.

She probably got that from particulate pollution was my explanation.

We on the Central Coast are safe since our air is reasonably pure.

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