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Collapse Issue 143 - 13 Jun 2006Issue 143 - 13 Jun 2006
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Support regional library sited here

A number of people responding to a survey have suggested that a regional library be sited on the Peninsula.

However, the majority of those surveyed were the 2982 respondents suggesting the library site be retained in Kibble Park, Gosford.

The survey was undertaken for 28 days at eight local libraries including Woy Woy and Umina.

One suggestion was received from Woy Woy Library, asking for the regional library to be placed there, while suggestions from Umina Library included building a new regional library at Umina, two suggestions for Ettalong Beach, and one suggestion for next to the Woy Woy or Gosford Swimming Pool.

Council resolved on December 6 last year to undertake a "fair and equitable conciliation process" through surveys in all its libraries with the public and particularly with library users to determine the community preferred site for Gosford Regional Library.

A draft survey document was prepared and agreed to at a council workshop held from February 3 to February 5 at Nelson Bay.

To ensure that the public, with a particular focus on library users, had all the information to determine a preference for a location of the Regional Library, a package was developed.

The package contained concept plans for possible locations, Kibble Park and adjacent to the Mann St building, information on indicative costs for the construction of the libraries in their different configurations at the two separate locations and the agreed survey form. The survey document will be tabled at this meeting.

The survey kit was placed in all council library customer service locations and advertised in the newspapers and on radio to ensure maximum awareness of the survey by the community.

Council has now resolved that a facilitated workshop be held on the establishment of a Regional Library within the Gosford Local Government Area and the results of the survey by considered in the workshop.

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