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Collapse Issue 143 - 13 Jun 2006Issue 143 - 13 Jun 2006
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Holstein defends Ettalong crossing

Gosford's traffic committee chairman Cr Chris Holstein has defended the placement of raised pedestrian crossing in Ocean View Rd, Ettalong.

Cr Holstein said that there had been eight accidents in four years, with four pedestrians and two cyclists being injured.

Cr Holstein said the work had been approved by the committee which included representatives of the police, RTA, Gosford Council and Member for Peats, Ms Marie Andrews.

"The works are to be funded by a Federal Government program," Cr Holstein said.

"Three semi-mature trees are to be removed, only to enable crossings and improve sight distance for vehicles.

"No palms will be removed.

"The scenic amenity was always paramount in any works, but so was safety for the pedestrians."

Cr Holstein said the raised crossing had to go in Ocean View Rd, as it was the speed of vehicles into and from the roundabout that was the main factor in all injuries.

"The committee has a responsibility to exercise its duty of care.

"The facts were clear and the funding was secured," Cr Holstein said.

"I'm sure that no business in Ettalong would wish any pedestrian injury.

"It should be noted that several other matters of traffic concern have been highlighted in close proximity, such as pedestrian safety around the markets and the Chamber of Commerce request for a 40kph speed limit.

"These are now under investigation.

"I am happy to discuss these matters with any resident or businesses who still have concerns."

For more information, contact Cr Holstein on 0418 432 731.

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