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Seniors told of WorkChoices impact

Retiree Gary Hayden addressed more than 700 seniors at Ettalong Beach War Memorial Club on the impact of the Howard Government's Industrial Relations changes recently.

"The WorkChoices legislation that came into force on Monday, March 27, will impact seniors and retirees indirectly through their families and directly with changes to the pension," Mr Hayden said.

"Our children will be working longer hours for less money and the demands on grandparents as child carers will increase.

"By the time our grandchildren and great grandchildren join the workforce annual leave will have been reduced and conditions will be diminished.

"And the most vulnerable people in the workforce, our children and young people, will be forced to negotiate with the boss for wages."

Mr Hayden said one of the more immediate concerns for retirees was that the pension was calculated against the male total average weekly earnings.

This means that if wages drop with the changes to awards and the minimum wage under Howard's reforms then so too will the pension.

"Many of us seniors are already struggling financially and we simply can't live on less," said Mr Hayden.

"Many of the people in this room have spent their lives fighting for better wages, safer working conditions and more equality in the workforce and now John Howard is slowly dismantling that legacy," said Mr Hayden.

Mr Hayden was supported by Member for Peats Ms Marie Andrews who had invited him to speak at her 11th Annual Seniors Week Concert, due to her own personal concerns about the impact of the legislation on the local community.

"It is the talented school children who sung, danced and played beautiful music for us all at the concert who will bear the brunt of these reforms so it was fitting that I had the chance to discuss the changes in this forum," said Mr Hayden.

For more information about 'Your Family's Rights at Work' contact Unions NSW on 1800 688 919 or come along to the next Central Coast Committee Meeting at 6pm on Tuesday, May 2, at the Community Hall, Bill Sohier Park, Shirley St, Ourimbah.

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