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Golf course to use less drinking water

Everglades Country Club has been required to complete a water management plan and initiate water saving measures in the club and externally, according to club secretary manager Mr Wayne Dean.

"This will mean reducing our consumption of potable (water suitable for drinking) water," Mr Dean said.

"This will be achieved by reducing the use of water mainly through a lowering of flow rates.

"Prior to Easter a number of changes to the club's water reticulation systems were made and these will assist to reduce our usage by as much as nine per cent, our planned target for 2006-2007.

"It is also planned to minimise water usage outside and if possible substituting potable water with bore water.

"An investigation into this alternative source of water for the bowls area has commenced.

"The main problem here is to overcome the discolouration of surfaces that occurs with the use of bore water."

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