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Strategy will revitalise area, says mayor

The Draft Peninsula Urban Directions Strategy adopted by Gosford Council will revitalise the area's town centres and encourage population growth, according to mayor Cr Laurie Maher.

At the same time, it will protect the Peninsula's overall identity and scenic qualities and limit traffic congestion

"Unlike a Local Environment Plan, the draft strategy is a flexible document designed to result in improved planning outcomes for the Peninsula," Cr Maher said.

"These will encourage sustainable population growth without overtaxing the roads system or existing infrastructure."

Cr Maher said current levels of traffic on the Peninsula indicated that there are "clear limits to sustainable population growth for the area".

"Up to 7500 additional people could be accommodated in the area provided that alternate travel methods, such as more extensive use of public transport, are adopted over the next 20 years and the road network is improved.

"These will be our major planning considerations for the Peninsula as the existing water supply, sewage, waste disposal and stormwater drainage can withstand the projected population increase."

Cr Maher said the Peninsula strategy promoted a variety of housing types and developments that would encourage a more diverse population.

These could include "mixed use" developments incorporating ground floor businesses with apartments above, garden apartments of two or three storeys with basement parking and lifts and semi-detached dwellings and town houses

In order not to increase traffic congestion in the area, future building developments should be sited near public transport and services, Cr Maher said.

"The Draft Peninsula Strategy establishes improved standards of design quality, particularly in relation to the desired character of the area as defined by its residents," Cr Maher said.

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