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Move to defer traffic light decision

Gosford Council traffic committee has suggested postponing a decision to install traffic lights at the Dunban Rd and McMasters Rd intersections with Ocean Beach Rd

It has recommended that the council rescind a motion to proceed with traffic lights.

The recommendation follows a campaign by Liberal representative Ms Debra Wales.

Ms Wales sent a letter to residents expressing concern at some aspects of Ocean Beach Rd Traffic Management Study including the proposed installation of traffic signals as opposed to roundabouts at the Dunban Rd and McMasters Rd intersections.

The study provides a plan for traffic management facilities the length of Ocean Beach Rd.

Council adopted a recommendation, at its meeting on November 22, that a briefing be provided to councillors and interested directors.

Member for Peats Ms Marie Andrews, was to be invited, along with a representative of the Peninsula Chamber of Commerce.

It was also recommended that the study be adopted in-principle and that the option of traffic signals at the Dunban Rd and McMasters Rd intersections with Ocean Beach Rd be adopted "to improve pedestrian safety at this critical location".

The briefing was held on November 1, where the issue of the nature and volume of pedestrian movements at and near the Dunban Rd and McMasters Rd intersections with Ocean Beach Rd emerged as "important concerns in the context of the relative merits of traffic signals as opposed to roundabouts".

The report stated that "whilst these concerns are not formally documented or the subject of a resolution of council they will be further investigated in response to the issue being raised at the briefing".

The report stated that the investigation would include existing pedestrian counts and future projections.

Considering the concerns about the merits of traffic signals as opposed to roundabouts, it was recommended that the decision about traffic signals be considered at the design stage.

"Pedestrian counts and future projections (should) be considered at the design stage to determine the most appropriate treatments at the intersections of Dunban Rd and McMasters Rd with Ocean Beach Rd."

Once a design had been determined, the matter would be referred to the traffic committee for endorsement and recommendation to council.

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