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Penalise Council water wasters

I refer to the issue of the Peninsula News of April 10, on page 9, in relation to the Gosford Council's "Water Mains Cleaning Program" advertisement.

Explaining the purpose of the program was the paragraph advising that due to the prolonged drought the large amounts of water used to flush the mains would not be wasted but captured and recycled.

The photograph clearly shows that this is not the case.

I also witnessed the same action at the end of Park Rd, Woy Woy, on April 11 at 9.30am.

Unfortunately I did not have a camera to record this disgraceful waste.

From the amount of water and wet area on Brickwharf Rd, it would appear that the same unconscionable waste of water has occurred there also.

This program would have been organised some time earlier, with enough time to arrange for a tanker to collect all this water.

Those responsible should be penalised in the same way that ratepayers would have been if caught using water outside the current restrictions.

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