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Collapse Issue 125 - 05 Sep 2005Issue 125 - 05 Sep 2005
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Baseball caps more offensive than head scarves

We have recently had Bronwyn Bishop, a long-standing member of Parliament and one-time aspirant leader, recently making discriminatory remarks about Moslem schoolchildren wearing traditional head scarves.

I take extreme umbrage at this.

Firstly, young Moslems have been singled out when the greater offence in Australia is the wearing of the offensive inappropriate American baseball hat rather than a replica of the traditional Australian cricketers "baggy green".

The baggy green gives greater protection against skin cancer and is Australian and not a symbol of American imperialism.

If Bronwyn was going to be fair dinkum and not just provocative, she would have included the Jewish skull cap, the Sikh turban, the Christian cross, the variety of superstitious beads used in prayer and the other religious artifacts commonly worn such as the Irish friendship ring.

She has obviously forgotten how women of her generation and belief were required to cover their heads and arms entering Roman Catholic, Anglican, Greek and Russian Orthodox Churches.

In this day and age unwise comments that in previous times would have been forgotten with a shrug of the shoulder are now likely to provoke a hot-headed aggrieved impatient citizen to take violent action: action that may be road rage battering, a bomb in a bus or Bali nightclub, arson of a hostel or hotel and plain murder.

Such actions usually are provoked by the blind arrogant ignoring petitioners rightful demands.

I suggest that no longer can governments and their bureaucracies operate on the principles of "White Supremacy" and "No Rocking of the Boat Allowed".

The intolerant behaviour of anyone whether it be Commonwealth politician, member of local council, industry leader, newspaper reporter, editor or owner should be prosecuted for endangering Australian citizenry.

In a previous age, such behaviour was known as low treason.

It is interesting that in Australia only the Commonwealth Attorney General by statute is allowed to commence actions of treason.

In view of the party political cover-up of all illegalities against the national, international and common laws (look no further than the illegal detention and deportation of Australian citizens) upheld and allowed by the Attorney General and Leader and Speaker of the respective Parliamentary Houses, I will not hold my breath waiting for their prudent safeguarding action but simply ask the opinions of the people before Bronwyn et al lead us into irrevocable civil war.

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