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Collapse Issue 125 - 05 Sep 2005Issue 125 - 05 Sep 2005
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Fast ferry from Patonga?

Once again we are being subjected to an episode of the Fast Ferry Folly.

We all know, deep down, it isn't going to work.

I know it's not going to work.

Council knows it's not going to work.

State Government knows it's not going to work.

So one wonders: Is this a smoke screen for some other hidden agenda?

Like a previous observer stated: Is this wharf going to become another "Taj Mahal" for the benefit of some restaurateur or similar project?

Can someone explain to me how this proposed ferry is going to cope with the following, not uncommon, scenario?

A 40-knot southerly buster arrives along the coast, (it sometimes blows for days on end), creating a five metre on-shore swell.

Against this swell is a stiff run out tide at Little Box Head with breaking seas on the sand bar side and rocks on the other.

This opening at times is approximately 100 metres wide (Is it a bar or not?)

Throw into this scenario another vessel, for exampe a trawler, coming or going at the same time.

Can this ferry safely cope with this?

If not, what dare I ask is the alternative?

If a safe fast ferry service is what is wanted then I suggest that it arrive and depart from Patonga where a wharf is already in existence and all weather access may not be a problem.

Is this the answer to the problem as parking and possible interconnecting bus services would be a minor problem.

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