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Community Centre lease renewal recommended

Gosford Council officers have recommended that a lease between the Peninsula Community Centre Incorporated (PCC Inc) and Gosford Council, for the management of the Peninsula Community Centre be renewed.

The lease between the centre's management committee and Council for the management of the centre expired on December 18 last year, leaving the future management of the centre open to review.

The committee recently presented a business case for its continued leasing of the facility.

Officers from council's community development sector stated in a report to council that a key consideration was "the capacity of PCC Inc to properly maintain and manage the centre while enhancing community use of, and access to, the facility".

It went on to state that "negotiations between PCC Inc and Community Development have produced an outcome satisfactory to both parties pending Council's endorsement of this report".

The officers proposed that the centre's committee enter into a lease with council for three years with a two-year option, for the management of the centre and daily maintenance of the building and its grounds..

The PCC Inc would be asked to pay an annual rental of $11,000 including GST.

The rental would be subject to an increase of three percent each year, including the period of the option, to offset the increasing cost of building maintenance.

Officers stated that this amount would be to provide for the future upgrade and refurbishment of the community facility.

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