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Collapse Issue 120 - 27 Jun 2005Issue 120 - 27 Jun 2005
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Women's profiles are wanted

The Multi Arts Confederation is seeking new profiles of Peninsula women for an update to the book "Significant Women of the Central Coast, Women who have made a difference".

Some of the women from the Peninsula who were included in the first edition included Ms Heather McKenzie, Ms Nora Clark, Ms Ailsa Aldous, Ms Madeline Anderson, Ms Marie Andrews, Ms Loraine Barlow, Ms Lyn Bockholt, Ms Ruth Collins and Ms Leah Francis.

The book also featured Ms Pat Gilroy, Ms Enid Harrison, Ms Pat Harrison, Ms Mary Hawthorne, Ms Mary Holstein, Ms Shirley Hotchkiss, Ms Fran Kendall, Ms Elsie Mills, Ms Gwen Morgan, Ms Kay McVicker, Ms Caroline Serventy and Ms Bev Thompson.

Women who have or are involved in the arts, business, education, environment, government, health, history, indigenous, multicultural, media, medicine, religion, social welfare, sport and other fields of life are eligible.

The first edition, which featured 108 women, was released in March and is available for sale from the Gosford Regional Gallery, Brisbane Water Historical Museum and from the Confederation.

The new profiles will be compiled for display on International Women's Day next March and will then be co-ordinated for a new book to be printed soon after.

Nomination forms are available by contacting 4369 4534.

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