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Collapse Issue 120 - 27 Jun 2005Issue 120 - 27 Jun 2005
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Writing workshops

The Central Coast Fellowship of Australian Writers will present two free writing workshops for school students during national Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Week, on Thursday, July 14, at the Woy Woy Library.

The workshops will be a chance for participants to meet an aboriginal story teller, and write their own story.

These workshops are for young people who enjoy writing and are keen to learn more, especially about Aboriginal lore through story telling.

Central Coast FAW publicity officer Ms Myril Jones said two facilitators would work together to create an interesting and informative ambience that would encourage budding writers to express themselves.

"Writing materials will be supplied.

"Students just need to bring their ideas and be ready to have fun," Ms Jones said.

"The workshops are for young people who enjoy writing and are keen to learn more, especially about Aboriginal lore through story telling.

The two facilitators will be Deborah Westbury and Catherine Pross.

Deborah Westbury has had four collections of poetry published and teaches creative writing at University of NSW and various community groups and high schools.

Catherine Pross is a trainee teacher and Aboriginal storyteller who first heard the traditional stories as a child from her grandmother.

Ms Pross has now been involved in various story-telling engagements for many years.

The workshop will take place on June 14, from 10am until noon for students in Years 3 to 6 and from 1pm to 3pm for students in Years 7 to 9.

The workshops will take place in the Spike Milligan Room, Woy Woy library.

There are only 30 places available in each workshop.

For more information or to book, contact 4367 2253.

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