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Collapse Issue 113 - 21 Mar 2005Issue 113 - 21 Mar 2005
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Woy Woy's proud achievements

At the beginning of the last century, Gosford was a municipality.

In 1906, Gosford amalgamated with the Shire of Erina, which embraced 720 square miles, commencing at the Hawkesbury River, south to West Wiseman's Ferry and also beyond the Tuggerah lakes coastal beaches.

Woy Woy was constituted as a Shire in September 1927.

Agitation from the local ratepayers' association on the Peninsula, the boom of the growing tourist and holiday industry and the proud independent streak in the citizens of Woy Woy convinced the state government to act.

The Woy Woy Shire Chambers, now the library, was built in 1931.

This was a proud moment for Woy Woy.

In the Back to Woy Woy celebrations in 1937, a photo of the Shire Chambers was proudly entitled, A Civic Monument.

The official opening day of the Chambers was Saturday, October 2, 1937, and the official was Captain the Honourable FA Chaffey MLA, Chief Secretary of NSW.

The councillors who served Woy Woy included CJ Staples, M Green, J Kehoe, W Bullion, H Margin, AJ Hutchinson and S Hall.

The most notable achievements: In 1929, the electrical current was commenced.

In 1932, the Soldiers Memorial Park layout was developed and dedicated by Sir Philip Game, then Governor of NSW.

In 1937, electricity serviced all the Woy Woy Shire, with the only exception of Cogra Bay on the Hawkesbury River.

They were proud achievements at a proud time in Woy Woy's history.

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