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Collapse Issue 111 - 21 Feb 2005Issue 111 - 21 Feb 2005
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Students earn high UAI scores

Several Brisbane Water Senior College students have received UAI scores in the high 90s, according to college principal Mr Pat Lewis.

A large number of students also earned marks in individual courses in excess of 90 putting them in the highest band of students across the state.

Students who performed outstandingly were Emma Hamilton, Shireen Streeton, Rachel Pratt, Lauren Collins, Lana Hebden, Samantha Travers, Gerard Koen, Josh Myers, James Manning, Kahlee Moulton and Tammie Patman.

Several students in all course groupings had achieved substantial improvements when compared to their performance at the School Certificate two years earlier.

Mr Lewis said impressive improvements were made in the areas of personal development, health and physical education, the social sciences, maths, and creative arts.

In a number of courses, students' average scores exceeded the state average.

Improvements were made across a wide range of individual courses.

Mr Lewis said these results were a very pleasing vindication of the college's move to create an environment where student learning outcomes could be improved.

"This environment together with the great commitment of staff and the sharp focus they are applying to the needs of senior students is certainly now paying dividends," Mr Lewis said.

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