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Collapse Issue 111 - 21 Feb 2005Issue 111 - 21 Feb 2005
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Open space led to rezoning decision

Councillors voted in favour of the original Multiplex plans to rezone the old Ettalong Beach Club site because it offered more open space, according to Cr Jim Macfadyen.

He was commenting on the council's decision on February 1 to go against a staff recommendation to approve an amended plan, negotiated between Multiplex and the planning consultant responsible for the yet-to-be-released Peninsula Urban Directions Strategy.

Cr Macfadyen said he and fellow councillors believed the amended plan was an overdevelopment of the site.

"What the original plan proposed was two seven-storey high towers, with an open space included in the plans," Cr Macfadyen said.

"In the new plans, there was basically total development of the whole site, with no open space.

"It just looked like overdevelopment of the site, so council went with the original plan.

"In my opinion, the original plan looks a lot better than the amended plan."

Cr Macfadyen added that the plans for rezoning the site to "Business" would be put on show, and that ultimately the public would make a decision on the plans.

Council resolved to prepare a Draft Local Environmental Plan to rezone the Ettalong Beach Club land on Memorial Ave, Ettalong Beach.

Councillors voted on January 25 to prepare the local environment plan, which will be placed on public exhibition for six weeks.

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