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Collapse Issue 109 - 25 Jan 2005Issue 109 - 25 Jan 2005
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Relay at Rogers Park

The Cancer Council of NSW will stage a Relay For Life event at Rogers Park oval on April 2-3.

The Cancer Council has invited the community to get its team entries in early.

The Relay for Life is a 24-hour event where teams of 10 to 15 people take turns to walk or run around an oval to raise funds for cancer.

Teams can camp overnight at the oval and are entertained by games, competitions and live music during the event.

"The relay is all about raising funds for a very important cause but also about bringing together people both directly and indirectly affected by cancer, so that they can celebrate life," said Cancer Council representative Ms Jaci Tebb.

The Relay for Life has been staged at the Mingara athletics track for over four years and has raised over $280,000.

This will be the first year an additional event has been staged on the Peninsula.

Ms Tebb said all funds raised at The Relay For Life ensure the continuation of vital cancer research, education and support programs in the local community.

Start time for the relay will be 10am.

Anyone wishing to enter a team in the event, or those wishing to find out more information about or wish to sponsor the event can contact 4325 5444.

Teams can sign up immediately at and look under "P" for Peninsula Relay for Life.

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