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Collapse Issue 109 - 25 Jan 2005Issue 109 - 25 Jan 2005
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Surf plans are changed

Surf Life Saving NSW has told Gosford Council it no longer plans to remove dune vegetation or erect structures over dunes for its surf carnival at Umina Beach in February.

The association had originally asked to erect grandstands over the dunes, to remove incipient dunes and some dune vegetation, and to widen around 10 walkways between Umina Surf Club and Barrenjoey Rd for vehicular access.

Now, all event areas, including equipment storage, will be outside of the dune area, according to a report for next week's Gosford Council meeting.

The association has agreed to seven conditions laid down by council at its December 14 meeting.

The dune area and access ways will now be fenced and monitored by volunteers.

Bushland regeneration works signage will be installed as part of the fencing.

Three openings will be required for vehicle access to the beach, and no walkways will be widened.

All boats will be unloaded at the Ocean Beach Surf Club car park and transported to the storage area, a report by Council staff states.

Surf Life Saving NSW recently advised council that a fourth proposed boat access way on private land would not be required.

It also provided a written commitment to monitor the dune fencing and dune areas to ensure its members and members of the public are outside the area and that the area is not used as a storage location. It asked for help from the council to do this.

Representatives of Council's environmental planning directorate plan to meet with Surf Life Saving NSW representatives on February 3 to clean up the dune areas in front of the surf clubs and again on February 18 to erect the fencing.

A further report on the proposed removal of vegetation from the road reserve adjacent to the Umina Surf Club will be presented to council in the near future.

Surf Life Saving advised council in a letter dated December 14 that it was committed to the protection and management of the beach and dunes.

In more recent advice to council, NSW Surf Life Saving has provided a written commitment to participate in a restoration plan should it be required after the event.

The council's director of community services, Mr Phil Rowland, will provide a further report to council on the security bond required for any remedial vegetation and dune works.

Staff from Council's environmental planning directorate stated that the NSW Surf Life Saving event plan and environmental commitments had addressed all outstanding environmental issues.

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