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Collapse Issue 579:<br />09 Oct 2023<br />_____________Issue 579:
09 Oct 2023
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Little about Peninsula in Strategic Planning Statement

Central Coast Council's Local Strategic Planning Statement currently open for public comment has little specifically about the Peninsula, other than about Woy Woy as a "strategic centre".

Three "priorities" are listed for Woy Woy:

The first is to "adopt a strategic plan for Woy Woy to support population growth that will have regard for traffic impacts whilst protecting the scenic quality and retaining the unique environmental character of the area".

The second is to "promote housing of appropriate densities close to public transport that will encourage socially diverse population as well as accommodating short stays for visitors in a manner that does not impact connections and movement as well as limiting development in environmental hazard areas of the Woy Woy peninsula".

The third is to "Encourage revitalisation of Woy Woy through the development of a cohesive public domain approach strategy that supports a pleasant and safe town centre with housing, jobs, services, community facilities and entertainment for residents and visitors".

Only two actions are listed for the Peninsula in the Statement.

One is to "prepare precinct plans for centres at Woy Woy ... to support revitalisation and localised development opportunities" with a timeframe of three to five years, presumably from the Statement start date of 2020.

The other is to "develop a Heritage Interpretation Strategy for the Woy Woy Town Centre" also with a similar timeframe.

In a section on Economy, four "key enabling projects" are listed, without further detail.

These are Ettalong Beach Ferry Wharf, Rawson Rd Level Crossing Replacement, Woy Woy Peninsula Drainage and Woy Woy Town Centre Wharf.

In a legend to a Transport map, three Peninsula "initiatives for investigation subject to business case development initiatives" are listed, without further detail.

They are: "24 Active transport facilities in strategic centres, including woy woy; 25 Upgrade Blackwall Rd; and 30 Rawson Rd level crossing upgrade".

Under Waste, the "limited remaining life of landfilling at Woy Woy Waste Management Facility" is mentioned.

Submissions about the Council's Community Strategy Plan and its Local Strategic Planning Statement close on Monday, October 16.

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