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02 May 2022
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Southern Spirit Cricket awards presentations

Southern Spirit Cricket Club has held its awards presentation nights for junior players on Friday, April 22, and for senior players on Saturday, April 23.

Senior award winners included:

Lachlan Cork for Turf Player of the Year, Leading Wicket-taker of the Year, 1st Grade Batting Award for 230 runs with an average of 25.56, 1st Grade Bowling Award for 29 wickets average 9, 1st Grade T20 ODI, 1st Grade T20 two-day overall, Glenn Rowlands Shield Bowling.

Sean Dickson for Over-40 Masters Batting, and Ken Johnson and Kim Steele Memorial Trophy.

Jack Channon for Synthetic Player of the Year

Brad Handley for Leading Run Scorer of the Year and for 6th Grade Batting, Bowling and Players' Player.

James Leary for Wicketkeeper of the Year, Under-21 Player of the Year and Glenn Rowlands Shield Batting

Jaylen Johnston for Colt of the Year, and 2nd Grade Bowling. Jaylen also won Junior Cricketer of the Year and Under-16s Batting and Bowling.

Liam O'Farrell for 1st Grade T20 Batting and Players' Player.

Ben Willoughby for 7th Grade Batting and Players' Player. Ben also won Under-16s Fielding.

Ross Watson for 1st Grade T20 Bowling.

Blake Weir for 2nd Grade Batting.

Liam McIntyre for 2nd Grade Players' Player.

Scott Aitchison for 4th Grade Batting.

Luke Brusich for 4th Grade Bowling.

Col Handley for 4th Grade Players' Player.

Nathan Willoughby for 7th Grade Bowling.

Ant Zadravic for 8th Grade Batting.

Matt Donnelly for 8th Grade Bowling.

Bill Gregg for 8th Grade Players' Player.

Adrian Witten for 9th Grade Batting.

Mick Henderson for 9th Grade Bowling.

Craig Allister for 9th Grade Players' Player.

Shane Higgins for Over-40 Masters Bowling.

Phil Melville for Over-40 Masters Players' Player.

Danielle Harris for Women's Cricketer of the Year and Women's 2nd Grade Batting.

Megan Fiddock for Women's 2nd Grade Bowling.

Kim Gleeson for Womens 2nd Grade Players' Player.

Junior Awards included the Lee White Junior Club Person of the Year to Bec Tomlinson, the Intermediate Player of the Year to Levi Papps, and the Ryan Sainty Rising Star of the Year to Patrick Crowdy.

Girls 6ers League Batting and Bowling awards went to Ella Davidson, Fielding Marci Lane, Coaches Chloe Ferreria.

12B White Batting and Bowling awards went to Eli Zadravic, Fielding and Coaches Patrick Crowdy.

12B Purple Batting award went to Danny Silverstone, Bowling Harry Waters, Fielding Damon Hopkins, Coaches Charlie Karsten.

14B Batting and Bowling awards went to Levi Papps, Fielding Arlo Todd, Coaches Liam Downs.

U16s Fielding award went to Ben Willoughby, Coaches Kade McManus.

Male Youth League Batting award went to Sanjay Sharma, Bowling Kaden Warner, Fielding Raj Sharma, Coaches Felix Tebbutt.

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