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Collapse Issue 501:<br />24 Aug 2020<br />_____________Issue 501:
24 Aug 2020
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Support staff praised by school principal

Support staff at Empire Bay Public School have been praised by the school principal.

Office staff, support teachers, groundsmen and cleaners were all recognised in the school's Education Week Awards ceremony.

School principal Ms Simone Champion said: "I have worked in many schools over the years and there is not a better group of people to work with especially during these more complex times.

"This was particularly evident during home schooling time where each of these groups of people went above the call of duty to support the teachers and students in any way they could.

"No task was too much to ask and the dedication to complete these was beyond outstanding."

Ms Champion said that this year the Education Week Awards were done a little differently.

"Normally, we would go to a large hall and award recipients would receive their certificate on the big stage.

"This year, we held our award ceremony in the library which added a personal touch.

The teachers put on a lovely barbecue breakfast for our worthy recipients and ensured they all felt pampered."

She said she was thankful that the school had "such thoughtful and caring people".

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