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Collapse Issue 501:<br />24 Aug 2020<br />_____________Issue 501:
24 Aug 2020
Collapse  NEWS NEWS
Collapse  ARTS ARTS

Nursing home changes should not have been needed

The Peninsula News (July 27, page 13) reported on changes to the aged care development at 45 Hillview St, Woy Woy.

This development was approved by the Hunter Central Coast Joint Regional Planning Panel which contains three representatives appointed by the government.

I question the need for the changes.

It indicates to me that the Planning Panel had not studied the development application in detail.

Why was it necessary for the consent to be modified after the approval?

It is not outrageous to state that every development on the Peninsula would need to consider possible intrusion into the water table.

This is the same water table used by Central Coast Council to supplement the water supply.

Skipping to the bottom line; changes, modifications, amendments and so on can now be expected to continue as faults in the development assessment process are identified as the construction advances.

Why did the proponent with experience in aged care construction, assisted by consultants, fail to identify the well-known features of the Peninsula's water table?

In 2007, the former Gosford Council issued public information on ground water, including the Peninsula, which partly stated "groundwater is a state-controlled resource", the same state which appointed the planning panel.

Is there to be an investigation into this fiasco?

The planning bucket that holds the Peninsula's future is stuffed with unworkable development variations of this sort.

Buying off the plan is certainly a risk now and in the future. Select wisely.

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