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Collapse Issue 471 - 10 Jun 2019Issue 471 - 10 Jun 2019
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Peta Colebatch steps down after eight years

Wagstaffe-Killcare Community Association president Ms Peta Colebatch has stepped down after eight years to encourage new and younger people to step forward and to bring in fresh perspectives.

Ms Colebatch said the absence of the ferry service and the need for dredging was one of the long-running issues of 2018.

"Following much lobbying, in which we played a part as I moved the initial motion requiring all sides of council to come together to realise that action and funding was required, the ferry services resumed on 19 November.

"But this was not before a lot of individual turmoil and disruption, and the loss of jobs and businesses affected by the ferry absence," she said.

The other long running issue remains the long Colorbond fence on Ward Hill Road.

Ms Colebatch said before council had even dealt with the issue by knocking back the application, an appeal had already been lodged in the Land and Environment Court last December.

The hearing date was listed as September 11 this year and she said it was an issue of principle, of what should happen when no development application was lodged when one was required and how council then responds.

"So this has some months to run,'' she said.

Ms Colebatch said she had been checking some of the minutes from eight years ago and some of the challenges from 2010 remained.

She said concerns were expressed back then about the speed limit and the committee had hoped a 40 kph limit would be imposed.

They had flagged that there might be a need for a paid hall organiser, and there were concerns about mangroves in the creek, she said.

All three remained issues that were being pursued.

"So while progress is made, it takes time and constant attention, and most things take longer than we would hope," Ms Colebatch said.

Ms Colebatch paid tribute to all the committee members over the years who worked hard to protect and improve the services in the area.

"This year I have been walking along the Putty Beach, marvelling at the sands and waves which approach and then retreat, stirring up sand in their crests at times, at other times being of a beautiful azure tint.

"And no matter what happens, the tide rolls in and out.

"So we committee members are a bit like that.

"We vary in tone and size, but we too roll in and out, and in my view we need an injection of new blood, new ideas, new visions.

"We share a solid core, but one which needs shaking up at times.

"So I would like to thank the committee members for their support, thank all of those who turn up to our events, who work behind the scenes, and all those people who have expressed their appreciation to me for my part in this.

"I am very pleased to announce that Mike Allsop has taken over as president," she said.

Mr Allsop, who was vice president, also chairs the Peninsula Waterways community group.

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