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Collapse Issue 457 - 05 Nov 2018Issue 457 - 05 Nov 2018
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Planning map does not show lot consolidation

What does the LEP Zone map for Woy Woy, recently highlighted on the front page of the Peninsula News reveal to the public?

Does it indicate that all land lots shown will remain as is, until a new LEP is prepared, exhibited and adopted?

It does not show five consolidated land lots on Blackwall Rd and Farnell Rd to develop 27 units and seven townhouses.

The observer assumes all land lots will remain intact, being impossible to visualise the multitude of development possibilities that may be presented to the Central Coast Council.

With planning's known non-compliance, consolidation of 6,7,8,9,10 land lots must be considered, totally out of character for Woy Woy and the Peninsula, deficient in infrastructure.

Is the Peninsula being treated as a planning experiment?

I believe it is.

Consolidation of every five lots to create 27 units and seven townhouses is why Save Our Woy Woy was established.

Send an objection to the Council.

If you believe that planning is on track, you did not attend the Department of Planning and Environment meeting at the Central Coast Leagues Club, on September 5 to discuss the Gosford City Centre Development Control Plan.

The Minister for Planning, Member for Terrigal and the Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast were non-starters.

Community opposition is gathering momentum.

Save our Woy Woy.

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