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Collapse Issue 457 - 05 Nov 2018Issue 457 - 05 Nov 2018
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Woy Woy plans for next year

Woy Woy Public School has started planning for the 2019 school year.

"It is that time of year again when our school starts forward planning for the school structure for the next year," said principal Ms Ona Buckley.

"How we structure classes for 2019 will depend on the total number of students enrolled for 2019, the staffing entitlement the Department of Education allocates and numbers in each grade year.

"Teachers are in the best professional position to make the decision about where a child should be placed for the optimum possible benefit of their educational progress.

"We know that children grow and change as they progress through school.

"They change socially and their associations with other children change," Ms Buckley said.

"Academically they may need support or challenge.

"It is important to remember that students are placed in classes to enhance their learning opportunities with sound teacher professional knowledge backed up by recorded assessment, work task results and classroom teacher observation expertise on the educational, social and emotional growth of a child.

"We do welcome your input in this process if you believe there are extenuating circumstances that need to be considered when placing your child in a class for 2019.

"You are welcome to make an appointment to meet with me and discuss this matter.

"Alternately you can put your concerns in writing and address the correspondence to me directly to be taken into consideration.

"This process is totally confidential.

"All these requests will be taken into consideration but we cannot guarantee that it will be possible to fulfil these requests, as numbers, teachers available and professional educational judgement will determine the final outcome.

"Classes will be formed at the end of the year for 2019 but as always may not be set until the beginning of 2019 when numbers of students on seats become apparent," Ms Buckley said.

Ms Buckley siad that all concerns regarding class placements for 2019 should be submitted to the school by November 16.

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