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Collapse Issue 457 - 05 Nov 2018Issue 457 - 05 Nov 2018
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Character Statements not worth paper they're printed on

I applaud the initiative of the Save our Woy Woy Group to lift its focus to over-development of the Peninsula as a whole and wish them every success.

The community on the Peninsula really has the odds stacked against it by the vested real estate developers and the compliant Central Coast Council.

That every new development results in Council coffers gaining extra stuffing by way of more rates paid should require all decisions that require extra density to be removed from this appalling Council planning division and placed in the hands of the community.

Years ago residents in their hundreds were moved to be engaged in the formation of Character Statements for all our differing precincts because of the profit driven densification and Council compliance with developers and ignoring of the concerns of the community, nothing has changed.

The Character Statements are not worth the paper they are printed on.

Now we are being asked to comment on the next developer driven and pro-development Housing Strategy under the guise of the Coast's Affordable and Alternative Housing Strategy ("Housing strategy comment period extended 90 days" Peninsula News edition 456).

God help us.

Council knows what the community's feelings and wishes are.

It only has to pick up a copy of the Peninsula News on any given week.

This document and the extending of the exhibition period is insulting to us all.

The residents of NSW are all suffering the same fate.

The State Government's ministers are pushing back against these unjust pro-profit policies.

In the Sydney Morning Herald on October 29, we read "'Dominello effect' Ministers push to halt development in electorate" and then this disingenuous BS from Planning Minister Roberts: "Under our new planning regime, we're focused on community engagement.

"That means all community stakeholders, like councillors and MPs, as well as community groups and organizations, can have a say in shaping the evolution of our cities and towns."

These people continue to play the electorate/community for fools.

Save our Woy Woy, keep up the good work.

Don't accept the false words and BS from the mainstream media or our politicians.

Keep reading the Peninsula News.

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