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Collapse Issue 451 - 13 Aug 2018Issue 451 - 13 Aug 2018
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Flood studies have already been conducted

." (Peninsula News, July 30)

Council has conducted numerous studies of flooding on the Peninsula in the recent past and documented the effects "in both road reserves and on numerous residential properties throughout the Peninsula".

"Council staff told the July 23 Council meeting."

So why does this Council now need to spend a further $240,000 of our rates and taxes on more studies?

The Kahibah Creek Floodplain Management Plan of 1994 not only shows comprehensive flood levels but also recommends what developers and residents can do on their properties so that the flood situation is not made worse.

Obviously filling in and building in the flood way is prohibited, and yet the State Government is throwing $160,000 into the pool, while they allow residents to erect two exempt developments in any flood way.

Council's compliance department can do nothing (even if they wanted to) and our councillors in the past have refused to make a stand against this State Government folly.

The best Council can come up with is more useless kerb and guttering, piping flood waters several kilometres to the beach at great expense and the results are there for all to see.

Flooding remains while the stormwaters continually erode the beach, pushing hundreds of tons of our highly mobile beach sand offshore, which is then moved by the tides into the Ettalong Channel.


Well here's why: "This planning must be undertaken" (despite it having already been done) "prior to funding applications for works," Council staff told Council.

These works are not only expensive waste of our rates but futile.

I am assuming here that the witless Council works are more kerb and guttering.

Please Council, tell me I'm wrong.

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