Open session at Hardys Bay
An open mic session will be held at Hardys Bay RSL on Saturday, August 27, from 7pm till 11:30pm.
Hardys Bay RSL secretary manager Mr Chad Hartney said anyone with any talent was welcome.
"You can tell jokes, or whatever.
"Just get up and do your thing," said Mr Hartney.
The open mic session was inspired by a private party held at the club which included an open jam session.
"People got up and played and it went really well.
"At the end of the night they got up and had a bit of a jam together and it was quite popular so we're going to continue it," said Mr Hartney.
The Jam on @ Hardys will be held on the last Saturday of every month.
Email, 2 Aug 2011
Chad Hartney, Hardys Bay RSL