Council tests confirm contamination
Each week for more than three months, I have been carrying out water testing at five sites in Hardys Bay.
I have placed the results of these tests on the NSW Waterwatch website.
In October last year, the very first results indicated bacterial contamination at three of these sites.
After about six weeks of testing, which provided consistent results, NSW Waterwatch contacted Gosford Council which consequently sent the director of environment and planning to undertake his own testing in conjunction with a senior NSW Waterwatch employee.
Both parties collected these water samples on December 20, and confirmed my previous findings.
Since then, my testing has continually shown similar results at all three sites for the remainder of December and right through January, including the latest tests carried out by me on Sunday, January 30.
I had hoped that Gosford Council would have been most concerned about the threat to the health of residents and holidaymakers caused by the bacterial contamination of creeks and drains flowing into Hardys Bay.
Instead, however, Cr Terri Latella saw fit to publicly attack the messenger through the Peninsula News, January 24.
I fail to understand why she did this.
Surely, her attitude could not be endorsed by Gosford Council or the Greens Party which she represents.
I do not expect a public apology from Cr Latella, although this would be most welcome considering the huge amount of voluntary effort I have been putting into this community service.
However, I do now request that she and Gosford Council put all their efforts into tracking down the sources of bacterial contamination of Hardys Bay creeks and drains and subsequently ensuring that remedial action is immediate and professional.
Certainly, the precious environment of Hardys Bay and the health of its citizens demand no less.
Email, 31 Jan 2011
Brent Walker, Killcare