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Council will implement dune plan

Gosford Council is committed to implementing the Ettalong Beach Reserve Plan of Management and retaining a healthy vegetated dune system while providing public access to the beach area, according to a council manager.

The council's manager of engineering services Mr John Cragg was responding to comments from the Australian Conservation Foundation Central Coast Branch that the bulldozing of vegetation at Ettalong Beach was possibly more environmentally damaging than an arson attack that burnt part of the vegetation recently.

Mr Cragg said: "The Ettalong Beach Reserve Plan of Management specifically acknowledges that some vegetation will be removed and regular maintenance pruning will be undertaken to preserve sight lines and public amenity for the area.

"The removal of vegetation near Picnic Parade is identified in the Ettalong Beach Dune Management Plan section 6.7 'Reshaping of dune at northern section'.

"The burning of dune vegetation as has occurred is an offence and council is taking appropriate action to place a banner on-site advising the public of the penalty for vandalising trees and requesting any information that may assist in finding the person responsible.

"The fire burnt most of the vegetation in a relatively small area just west of Picnic Parade and left a large amount of broken glass and dead shrubs.

"It was considered appropriate that the site be cleaned up as soon as possible to protect the general public.

"As this site was identified for dune reshaping and a suitable machine was available on site removing the old toilet block, it was decided to undertake these works immediately.

"The site has now been mulched to stabilise the sand and planting of the area will be undertaken in the next few weeks.

"Clearing of the future viewing deck areas and removal of large sections of lantana has been undertaken in accordance with the Plan of Management.

"The viewing areas have been prepared for the installation of timber viewing decks.

"Both areas have been mulched to prevent sand movement and dune sand trapping mesh has been installed to control sand movement from the beach.

"Construction of viewing decks on the foreshore reserve is consistent with the intent of the Ettalong Beach Reserve Plan of Management and as such does not require development approval."


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