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Bushcare day changes

Burrawang Bushcare Group has changed its workday to the third Tuesday of every month.

The group co-ordinator Mr Jim Morrison said: "Our group has been working on this site once a month for over six years now, with four of its foundation members still the core volunteers."

He said the group decided to change to a Tuesday from a Sunday to attract new volunteers, and to fit in better with the needs of group members and the bushcare supervisor.

Several of the current volunteers also work on other Peninsula bushcare sites on weekends.

"Since we began caring for this bushland reserve, it has been recognised by the Department of Environment and Climate Change as an endangered ecological community," Mr Morrison said.

"And, because some of this rare type of bushland has been destroyed on other sites, that has made the work we do even more significant in stopping its extinction.

"We also have evidence of several rare fauna species using this bush as habitat.

"These include the bush stone-curlew, glossy black cockatoo and grey-headed flying fox."

Mr Morrison said the group had conducted Clean-up Australia Day projects on the site for six years which meant the site was now reasonably clear of rubbish.

Mr Morrison said more people now appreciated the reserve having changed from a dumping ground to a reserve for rare bushland that is "in good condition".

"People still dump rubbish though, and the results of dumping garden waste are that we are still trying to remove many exotic garden plants from the reserve," Mr Morrison said.

"The Hillview St frontage has been particular problem area."

Mr Morrison said the group meets at 9am on the third Tuesday of the month at the Nambucca Dr Playground, and everyone is welcome.

For more information, telephone 4341 9301.


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