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Collapse Issue 128 - 17 Oct 2005Issue 128 - 17 Oct 2005
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Residents speak about PUDS

Several Peninsula residents have spoken about the Peninsula Urban Directions Strategy at Gosford Council's meetings of October 4 and 11.

President of the Peninsula Residents Association Ms Francis Armstrong, a resident of Umina Beach, spoke at council's meeting of October 4 stating that the community believed that council's consultation for the draft strategy was a Clayton's consultation process.

"Apart from putting the document on exhibition, council sought to have a one-day information session," Ms Armstrong said.

"Fifty people out of a 34,000 people, I don't view that as successful consultation.

"I don't believe the community has had an opportunity to have some discussion on the document."

Dunecare representative and Peninsula resident Michael Gillian spoke at council's meeting of October 11, stating that his organization was disappointed to read that the council considered the consultation process had been a success.

Mr Gillian commented on a staff report claiming some public submissions had been based on preconceived ideas or misconceptions.

"While some of the submissions were based on pro forma, these letters have been completed by residents who have shown their interests in the process by attending meetings and in a number of cases adding individual comments to letters and sending through to council," Mr Gillian said.

"Hardly something to be treated with disdain."

"Of the 77 submissions received by council, 61 referred to the consultation process, of which 100 per cent said it was inadequate.

"It is important that more in-depth meeting be convened for such far reaching decision to be taken on this area."

Mr Gillian stated that an overwhelming number of submissions raised serious reservations with the strategy recommended.

"We should look at some meaningful consultation," Mr Gillian said.

"To suggest that people on the Peninsula know what it's all about, I think that's incredible."

President of the Peninsula Chamber of Commerce Mr Matthew Wales also spoke at the meeting of October 11.

"There were a lot of good points in the document, and a few we were concerned about," Mr Wales said.

"Planning controls have not moved forward and accommodated today's concerns.

"It's urgent that we do move ahead.

"The general opinion has been that medium density development over the last five years has been viewed as poor.

"It's the chamber's view that the standard of the development is due to these outdated planning controls."

Mr Wales said that urban development should focus on the quality of the design, not necessarily the height, bulk or amount.

"Whatever the final outcome of PUDS, we certainly look forward to working with council and its staff," Mr Wales said.

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