Peninsula catchments in proposed flood study
Gosford Council's floodplain management committee have been informed of council's intention to perform a flood study of an area of the Peninsula involving two catchments on a pilot basis.
Two catchments on the Peninsula will be included as pilots in Gosford Council's flood study.
The areas have been identified as flooding and drainage blackspot areas, according to the Gosford Council's floodplain management committee.
The committee was advised that the cost of urban flood mitigation works to make the area flood free in a one-in-100 year flood event was in excess of $12 million, therefore council had resolved to investigate an alternate design using principals of Water Sensitive Urban Design to reduce the overall cost of the works.
The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources had also advised the committee that they would financially assist with the preparation of the flood study.
According to a report from the committee, the council is now proceeding to prepare the technical brief for the project for approval.
Once approved, council will call quotes from suitable consultants to prepare the study.
Council agenda FM.007, October 4