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Work at Bulls Hill

State Government workers are modifying a dam at the old Bulls Hill quarry to reduce the possibility of sedimentation.

The recent construction work has raised curiosity from nearby residents.

Early in the year, a sign was erected indicating that the quarry was a national park, according to local resident Mr Matthew Chapman.

"Since that time, there have been signs of activity on the site," Mr Chapman said.

Gosford Council environmental officer Ms Leah Wheatley said that the State Government had been making some modifications to a dam located there.

"They've been making some small repairs and changes, so that when they release water from the dam it does not contaminate the area with sediment," Ms Wheatley said.

"When rain is expected, some water has to be released from the dam to prevent overflows, and the new valve installed ensures that the released water is not going to harm the environment."

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