Fluoride in 'unfluoridated' water
On reading the informative report "No fluoride in our water" on page six of the Peninsula News (July 11), I resolved to expand on the information I already hold.
Some 70 days last year, full dose fluoridated water was supplied to people south of Terrigal who are under the mistaken impression they are not receiving any fluoridated water at all.
I don't believe that fluoridated water supply actually crosses the Rip Bridge.
Legislation allows Gosford to say we are non-fluoridated until we exceed 180 days in a 365-day period.
Most citizens are unaware of that important point.
The pivotal question is: "Would council supply the people with a documented history of volumes and times that fluoridated water is now and has been in the past supplied to Gosford ratepayers?"
Edward James, Umina