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Surf club update program starts

Gosford Council has started a five-year $6 million project to update six surf clubs, including those on the Peninsula.

The surf clubs included in the program are Wamberal, Avoca Beach, Copacabana, Killcare, Ocean Beach and Umina.

Avoca Beach and Copacabana will be upgraded before the Peninsula clubs.

Mayor Cr Robert Bell said: "These two clubs were selected because both clubs had committees established that were in the process of reviewing options and making recommendations as to the best way to rejuvenate their club buildings.

"Building Committees have been formed for Avoca Beach and Copacabana consisting of surf club members, community representatives, council staff and the appointed architects for the project.

"Other stakeholder groups have been and will continue to be consulted as the project progresses.

"The committees have spent a considerable amount of time on reviewing options and identifying the ideal solutions and rationalise them to available funding."

"Calls for Expressions of Interest for the first two projects closed on February 18.

Council will select a short list of five builders who will then be requested to provide formal tenders.

It is anticipated that work will start at the end of next summer.

The Development Application for the renovations to the Avoca Beach building is anticipated to be lodged in early April.

The Copacabana architectural drawings are being prepared for consideration by the committee.

The planning process for some of the clubs is expected to take longer than originally envisaged because a number of the surf club sites do not meet current State Government Coastal Processes requirements and may require re-siting to meet current State Government Planning Legislation.

Funding for each surf club will vary depending on ihe size of the club, environmental issues and other characteristics such as club membership levels, potential for tourism and development application requirements.

Cr Bell said: "To date, council has spent a total of $2.1 million upgrading the Terrigal and North Avoca Surf Clubs.

"These two surf club renovation projects were completed under the Council's Financial Strategy."

"We are committed to renovating our surf clubs with or without Government financial support.

"Many young people belong to surf clubs in our region and it is important that facilities meet the needs of our community especially during holiday periods.

"The Coast is a tourist destination and the upgrading of our facilities will help attract more visitors to our region.

"This all helps our local economy to grow.

"Each of the surf clubs will be reviewed and an individual project plan prepared to reflect the unique needs of the area and environmental issues distinctive to each location.

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