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Reject US trade agenda

Negotiations for an Australia-US Free Trade Agreement were set to commence on March 17.

An independent study by ACIL Consulting for the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation shows that there are no economic benefits to be had and probably losses for Australia from such agreement.

US negotiators and corporations have defined many Australian public policies as barriers to trade and Trade Minister Vaile says no areas are off-limits in the negotiations.

Under attack will be the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme which makes medicines affordable to low income Australians, Australian content rules in film and television which ensure that Australian stories are told, and labeling rules for genetically modified food.

Other US demands are the end of Foreign Investment Review Board power to review in our national interest foreign investment, removal of the requirement for any Australian ownership of Telstra and Qantas, and the enabling of US corporations to take legal action against Australian regulations and to sue governments for damages.

The Australian public must insist that Minister Vaile rejects this US agenda which would endanger our economic independence, access to the medicines, health and safety, and culture.

These are matters that must be publicly debated and decided by parliaments in Australia, not secretly signed away in a trade agreement which disempowers our State and Federal governments and offers no national benefit.

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