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Obituary: Fae Boult

The members of the Umina Beach Branch of the Country Women's Association have been saddened at the death of their Past-President and Treasurer Mrs Thelma "Fae" Boult.

Mrs Boult died suddenly but peacefully at her home in Patonga on Sunday, March 2.

Fae left a husband, Cedric, three daughters, a son and 12 grandchildren.

Her funeral at Greenway Chapel, Green Point, on March 7 was attended by about 120 relatives and friends, including 30 members of the CWA.

Those attending included the Northumberland Group president Mrs Pat Brien, Group representative Mrs Noelene Brown and long-time friend Mrs Marj Goldrick from Lisarow-Ourimbah Branch.

A eulogy of her time at Umina Beach Branch of the CWA was delivered by branch president Mrs Helen Parkinson.

"Fae burst upon our scene at the Umina Beach Branch of the CWA in February 1995.

"We inherited her from Mt Victoria where she had joined the Association in November 1987.

"Once arriving Fae left an indelible stamp upon us all.

"Larger than life, loud in voice and action, Fae held the floor.

"Always a leader, bossy and domineering (in the nicest possible way) rallying us all into action, whether it was handicraft, cooking or selling raffle tickets.

"Her favourite occupation was making money, then not allowing us to spend it without her approval.

"'Girls, girls, girls' was her constant cry, always without a microphone.

"'I don't need that,' she'd say."

Fae had held the positions of president, treasurer and handicraft officer.

"Her forte was her wonderful skill with a needle or sewing machine particularly quilt-making," said Mrs Parkinson.

"Fae taught many of the ladies to make quilts.

"Her major project was for Father Chris Riley's Youth Off the Streets (YOTS) program.

"Ten beautiful, colourful quilts were made and presented to the YOTS organisation for use by the young people on the program.

"No matter where we look there is evidence of Fae's talents and her wonderful personality."

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