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PCYC elects new branch council

The Umina Beach Police and Community Youth Club (PCYC) has held its annual meeting and elected a new branch council.

Elected were president Carolyn Carter, vice president Maurice Richardson, treasurer Bruce Croft, club manager Colin Fraser, club programmer Senior Constable Paul Hanna, councillors Brian Carmichael, Shari Cooks, Pamella Hackett, Jaqueline Henry and Alison Hardy.

Retiring president Steven Lawley gave his report for the past year, calling for an "outreach" bus for the centre.

"We have now completed our second year of operation," he said.

"The first year, we spent establishing the club and getting to know our strengths and weaknesses.

"The second year, under our club manager Colin Fraser, and with the support of branch council and various stakeholders, we attempted to expand and also to carry out a number of outreach-type activities.

"Not all of these activities have been immediately successful but I believe that it has been a valuable learning experience for all.

"Activities such as the school holiday program have great potential and, once it becomes better known, I believe it will impact on a great number of the youth in the area.

"The use of the Maroubra truck also enabled us to reach more young people on the Central Coast.

"I do not believe that the club has been established only to help those who, of their own accord, come to us.

"We must make an attempt to go out to them, convince them that we can offer them something and encourage them to attend the club.

"For a number of reasons, the Maroubra truck was taken from us before Christmas and this greatly affected our impact.

"It is for this reason, I believe that the club should make efforts to obtain its own outreach vehicle.

"Senior Constable Paul Hanna remains the club programmer and continues to work with young people in the area as well as organisations such as the youth refuge and CDAT.

"At the end of the year, it became apparent that the floor in the hall needed to be replaced.

"Gosford Council approved its replacement and paid for a new vinyl floor.

"I thank them for this and the resurfacing of the club's car park.

"The gym and boxing classes have been under the supervision of Joel Keegan and continue to attract a major income for the club.

"Recently, the branch council approved the leasing of new equipment to replace items that have worn out.

"The gym will continue to be a major part of the club and it is hoped will continue to attract members.

"Our drama and discovery classes run by Amanda Benson are extremely popular and continue to grow.

"It is great to see the enthusiasm the young people have for this activity.

"Our major venue user is Extreme Gymnastics and the club could not hope for better people.

"They not only teach gymnastics but break-dancing and also fill in at the gym for us.

"Kari and Amy also give freely of their own time by volunteering at the club for dance parties.

"The club is planning to expand the activities this year and reach a wider section of the young people in the community.

"Financially the club has been more successful this year than last.

"This is mainly due to the efforts of the staff and volunteers.

"I wish to thank all of those involved. I would like also to thank our club manager, Colin Fraser, and the members of the branch council for their commitment, efforts and perseverance.

"Finally, I am resigning as club president and from the branch council due to my health.

"I first became involved with establishing the club in 1995 and it has been wonderful to see it reach its current position.

"It has been a hard decision for me to resign but one forced on me at this time.

"I wish to thank all those involved in establishing the club and getting it to where it is now, especially Bruce Croft, who, has also been there right from the start.

"I have attempted this year to encourage new and dynamic ideas and I hope the new president and branch council will continue in this vein.

"A PCYC club must be at all times looking for new opportunities, not looking back to what was successful 20 years ago, but looking forward to what will work for today's and tomorrow's youth.

"A positive attitude will see the club grow even more and become a real force in youth services on the Central Coast.

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