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Collapse Issue 611:<br />28 Jan 2025<br />_____________Issue 611:
28 Jan 2025
Collapse  NEWS NEWS
The beach was the place to be
Council plans changes to school drop-offs
Fire brigade lends a hand in storm clean-up
The Bays lose power during storm
Boats break from their moorings
Making pavlovas for Australia Day
Men's Shed seeks people with accounting skills
Exchange student to spend a year in Brazil
Churches start online video channel
Federal Member inspects government-funded project*
Next bingo marathons announced
Celebrating productive week with a cheesecake*
CWA craft and chat sessions resume
Federal grant opportunity opens for non-profits
Surf club stalwarts celebrate 50th wedding anniversary*
Lions Club starts its meetings for the new year
Reid welcomes PEP-11 refusal*
Tree planting as rain returns*
Two shops receive money for signage
Tree group 'rescues' Norfolk Island pine*
Book club for 'tweens' to meet in February
Justice of the Peace in Woy Woy
Year starts with above-average rainfall
Alma Ave unit is one park short and has no landscaping
Dwelling design claims 'small scale conception'
New submissions policy to be exhibited
Make submission about Council meeting code
When unique is not unique
Local private hospital promotes mental health services
Seven boxes of essential items donated for Escabags
Celebrating 70 years of marriage
Gift cards in appreciation of ukulele concerts*
Aged care home opens new movie theatre*
Collapse  ARTS ARTS
Enda Kenny to perform at folk club's first 2025 concert
Little Theatre opens bookings for year's first production
Art installations wanted for arboretum art trail
One cast member still wanted by Little Theatre
Canteen helpers needed at Woy Woy South
Free after-school cricket program at Woy Woy
Summer dresses have arrived
Start the year 'organised, prepared and ready to go'
Flying doctors' service visits vacation care
Consider top-up uniform purchases
Students urged to find socks and set alarms
List of stationery supplies issued
Vacation care active at St John's
Mariners women defeat Wellington Phoenix at Woy Woy
Group will have relaxed ride around Brisbane Water
Selected to represent NSW
AFL holiday program at Roger's Park*
Australia Day Pairs bridge results
Tom Burgmann congratulated for four-year presidency
Clubhouse manager wanted
Good turnout at floorball training
Southern and Ettalong United lists its key selling points
Jacob Lepre to continue with Southern and Ettalong
Umina surf club to run Bronze Medallion course
Opportunity for women's rugby league*
Free event to try netball*
Pickleball and online booking at Pearl Beach
Two development programs offered at SEUFC
Umina girls take part in Rookie Challenge
Rugby club seeks hosts for international players
Skateboard event has $10,000 in prizes
Woy Woy Football Club elects committee
Cricket club member dies
Soccer club announces free junior academy programs



Alma Ave unit is one park short and has no landscaping

A light industrial unit proposed for 27 Alma Ave, Woy Woy, would be built to about 300mm of side and rear boundaries, cover almost three quarters of the site, and would intrude by 1.2 metres into the required front setback of 10 metres.

It would provide only three car parking spaces, where four spaces are required, and have no landscaped area as required by the planning provisions.

The application states that "the land has a width of 12.09m, a depth of 39.625m and a calculated area of 483 square metres".

The proposal is listed on the council planning portal as "industrial units comprising of three units", but the application shows the development of a single unit.

The application states: "The adjoining properties on either side are light industrial buildings with associated on site parking. The land is devoid of any significant vegetation."

The site is zoned E4 General Industrial.

The proposed construction materials are described as "thermally resilient being mainly concrete wall panels and light-coloured steel roof cladding."

"The roof is insulated. The roof has been structurally designed to accommodate the future installation of PV solar panels."

The gross floor area of the proposed building is claimed to be 338.8 square metres giving a proposed floor space ratio of 0.701:1.

The proposed height is 7.5m and the proposed site coverage is 352.8 square metres (73 per cent).

The application quotes planning provisions for site coverage which state that "the extent of built and hardstand areas on site is to be minimised" and "the development footprint is to be augmented by the design, implementation and maintenance of soft landscape works."

In response, the application contends that "Due to the small lot size and narrow frontage, any land not covered by building or hardstand is minimal."

"There are no landscape areas on the adjoining development, or in Alma Avenue generally.

"Any landscape strip provided would soon be turned into unapproved parking."

"The proposed site cover reflects that of the adjoining development and is considered appropriate for the local context."

The application quotes planning provisions which say vegetation and trees should be provided to soften the effects of industrial buildings building.

The response in the application states: "Small and narrow development sites such as these provide limited opportunities for landscaping as is evidenced by the existing development in Alma Ave.

"On such a narrow site, by the time a vehicle access crossing is provided, the minimum five metre landscape component adjoining the front boundary becomes insignificant.

"Given the existing parking issues in the street, it is considered that a parking space better utilises the area to provide off-street parking."

Interestingly, the application later notes a requirement for 3.3 spaces based on gross floor are, which is rounded up to four spaces.

"Three spaces have been provided," the application states

"The minor variation is justified as proposed development also provides parking opportunities within the building due to drive through access being available from both Alma Ave and the lane-way."

In regards to the front setback, it states: "A variation of 1.2 metres to the required 10 metres is proposed."

The application concludes: "The proposed development will have no adverse impact on the local environment and is worthy of consent."

The application is currently on public exhibition but the council website does not state a closing date for submissions.

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