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Laneway may be named

Gosford Council officers have recommended that council name an unnamed laneway between Grandview Crescent and Beach Dr, Killcare, Grand Beach Lane.

A council report stated that in adopting a consistent approach to the naming of laneways, which was acceptable to the Geographical Names Board of NSW, it was proposed to incorporate two street names immediately fronting the blocks of land which back onto the laneway, Grandview Crescent and Beach Dr.

Council had received correspondence from Mr Thomas Hamel, who is constructing a house in the unnamed laneway, asking that council name the laneway.

The naming of the laneway would provide an address for Mr Hamel's property and other properties within the laneway.

The un-named laneway was created in 1992 as part of subdivision.

Following a survey of residents, submissions received included Beach Lane from Mr W Cairns and Darkie Lane or Darkie's Lane from Mrs M Fromel, after a former local resident who lived in Beach Dr between 1958 and 1983, David "Darkie" Nathaniel.

The council staff report stated that, while the names were credible, they did not support the philosophy of consistency in naming.

If the recommendation was accepted by council the proposal would be placed on public exhibition for a 30 days and, if no significant objections were received, the process to formally name the laneway would be continued.

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